
Brick Bulletins

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These are produced by the
Brick Development Association

Paper copies of this journal are available in the library, on the Brickwork shelf

They can all be downloaded from BDA Publications

They are posted here under Jan 2011 and Feb 2011

Individual links to blog-post are shown below

Brick Bulletin Spring 2011

Contents include;

AHMM Architects
Museum of Motoring, Holland
Indian Institute of Management
Mumbai's iStudio and Brick House
Overcladding in brick

To access blog-post, click image
or Spring 2011

Brick Bulletin Winter 2010

Contents include;

Cian Deegan of TAKA Architects
2010 Brick Awards
CZWG Salt-Glazed Bricks
Mario Botta’s brickwork
Lutyens’ Great War cemeteries
Structural masonry and Eurocodes

To access blog-post, click image
or Winter 2010

Brick Bulletin Autumn 2010

Contents include;

Brick Conservation
China’s first Passivhaus
Douai Abbey, Berkshire
Fitzwilliam Gatehouse
Gerald Lynch on gauged brickwork
Stack Bonding

To access blog-post, click image
or Autumn 2010

Brick Bulletin Summer 2010

Contents include;

Brick Weave Building, Chicago
Brick tour-de-force in Southwark
China's young brick builders
Lewerentz' Klippan church
Designing brick diaphragm walls

To view blog-post, click image
or Summer 2010

Brick Bulletin Spring 2010

Contents include;

Dublin Mews Houses
Brick Manufacturer's Office
Church in Dusseldorf
Geurst & Schulze Profile
Brick-slip cladding systems

To view blog-post, click image
or Spring 2010

Winter 09
Contents include;

Aravena & Torrejòn from Chile
Atelier building, Amsterdam
Benedictine Malling Abbey
The 2009 Brick Awards
Philip Johnson's Glass House

To access blog-post, click image
or Winter 2009