
27 July 2011

Properties & Use

Front cover of book
Their Properties and Use

The Brick Development Association

Published by
The Construction Press Ltd in 1974

ISBN 0 904406 04 0
Stretcher Bond
The normal bond for walls of half-brick thickness

Stretcher Bond - page 29

Stretcher Bond - page 29

Brickwork drawn by Anne June 11
Headers are placed at the quoin, to maintain the bond

23 July 2011

Reader's Digest

Front Cover of book
1,001 DIY Hints and Tips

Neil Thomson (Ed)

Published by
Reader's Digest in 2002

ISBN 0 276 42610 X

Weather-Struck Pointing
page 36

A rare example of using a Frenchman
page 37

A Frenchman is a normal butter-knife, with a bent-tip, used to trim away the excess mortar, and leave a clean straight line. The timber batten prevents the mortar dropping onto the rest of the work

22 July 2011


Front Cover of book
Vernacular Architecture

by RW Brunskill

Published by
Faber & Faber in 2000

ISBN 0 571 19503 2

Extract from page 48-49

SHAPE: Brickwork shows some variation in size and proportion when used in vernacular buildings. Early and inferior bricks were irregular in shape and size. Even after length and breadth had become standardized (see a) height varied to reach a maximum during the Brick Tax period and again in the Midlands and North during the 19C. (see b)

21 July 2011

Gauged Brickwork

Gauged Brickwork by Lynch

A free PDF download of this book is available from