
30 May 2011

Pitman's Vol 2 - Hoffmann Kiln

Front Cover of Volume 2
Building Educator
Volume 2

by R Greenhalgh (Ed)

Published by Pitman & Sons Ltd
30th October 1926

No ISBN number
Brick Manufacture
The Hoffmann, is undoubtedly the most successful type
of kiln. In these kilns, the whole of the heat generated is utilized progressively, with the result that the process of burning is gradual and controlled

This minimizes the risk of cracking and distortion, and ensures the production of a good quality brick, providing all other conditions are satisfactory

Sectional Elevation of Hoffmann Kiln
Fig. 5 - Volume 2, page 87
These kilns are circular in structure and divided into twelve chambers. Each chamber is provided with a flue, which carries the gases of combustion and steam into
a shaft. When the chambers are stacked with bricks,
fuel is fed from traps at the top of the kiln

When the kiln is in action, two adjacent chambers are open, one being unloaded, the other loaded. The following four chambers are in the cooling stage, the next two burning at the maximum temperature, and the remaining four in various stages of drying

Sectional Plan of Hoffmann Kiln
Fig. 5 - Volume 2, page 87
Thus the cycle of drying, burning, cooling, loading, and unloading proceeds continuously, and only ceases when repairs to the kiln become necessary

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