
25 December 2011


Congratulations, on reaching my blog. Created mainly
for Brickwork students, it is suitable for anyone wishing
to learn more about the Art and Craft of Bricklaying

Image: AC Motors
Individual posts might be a bit slow to load, because they include:

Ebooks from Google
PDF Files in Scribd
Trade Literature
Brick Bulletins
and Animations

If you know of any good books or articles,
that I have not included, please post a comment

The Index tells you where to find each of these resources
once I have written the HTML...

To view the books or articles, click on a month and then the title, or scroll down and click on Older Posts

Image from Carl Sagan

Chosen because they provide:
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Clear diagrams or
  • Interesting Projects
This blog went live on 25.06.11

Google E-Books

Some of these are available as a free download
Others only display a limited number of pages
The full-screen option is only available from Google

PDF Documents

These are installed via Scribd
Functions include the usual
Full-Screen, Download, etc

Screen Resolution

This blog was designed to be viewed in 1024 by 768, so is suitable for most monitors

But on ipads, the left-margin might get slightly cropped

Due to the magnification on inter-active Whiteboards, some of the images will get pixelated. At the moment,
I am not sure how to get round this

Internet Browsers

All the posts, and thus the layouts were designed in Micrsosoft's Internet Explorer (IE for short)

The HTML on some of the posts is not working quite right, which is probably due a typing error, but occasionaly IE is just plain pants!

From what I have seen, this blog works fine in both Firefox and Chrome, although the font might look a bit strange

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